
kim kardashian

The illusion of security

Back in June, I suggested that corporate policies that block social media on company computers and networks were doomed to failure because they would simply be bypassed by staff members using their iPhones and other portable devices. Now comes an article on The HR Capitalist that proves the point with a lovely example:

I'm strolling through the office of fine, employment-focused government agency one recent morning, and what did I see?

A government worker hitting Facebook from her iPhone within her cube. So I did what any visiting HR pro would do - I asked her if the agency blocked Facebook and other social sites.

She said, "Mmm hmm. All of 'em. And Hotmail too".

... It seems wireless networks trump corporate will when it comes to an employee’s use of social networks in the workplace... If you’re still blocking access and patting yourself on the back, remember the image of your employees dialing their favorite social network up on their smart phone. You’re not managing liability, you’re transferring it to a network that you don’t control. The illusion of security.

(With appreciation to Mark Graban of Lean fame for forwarding the link to me.)