
kim kardashian

The Take-Charge Patient

In one of those ironies that sounds implausible, author Martine Ehrenclou found herself suffering from debilitating, chronic pain during the research for her book The Take-Charge Patient: How you can get the best medical care.  So she got to try out her own advice.  I am sure that helped strengthen the book and expand her already empathic view of the world.  She notes, "I never expected to live each chapter of this book, but it did prove to me just how invaluable this information is."

This is a very good book, loaded with helpful suggestions and advice for patients (and families) of all types. This is no excoriation of the medical profession.  Its premise is that a strong partnership works best.  The theme: "Taking charge of yourself as a patient is essential in order for your doctors and other medical professionals to serve you in the way they know best.  Your health care is a team sport."

I found the style to be approachable and readable.  The substantive content is excellent, as well.  Whether you are currently a patient or will be one, this is an excellent addition to your bedside table.